วันจันทร์ที่ 21 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

If You Want To Improve Your Golf Game It All Begins With Your Swing

By: Gregg Hall
While every putter must know how to putt, he has to get the ball off the tee with a strong swing before he does anything else. With practice and concentration, any golfer can learn to perfect his swing. All swings have a few common elements that make up the fundamentals of golf. The GripWhen gripping a club, circle your left hand around the club so you have a V between the thumb and index finger. Stretch the tension from finger to the shoulder. Overlap your right hand over the left thumb and vice versa. Make your V shape create a line that leads to the chin. Apply light pressure to both hands. PostureA solid stand and good posture help create a great swing. With feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, and rear slightly pushed out, keep your chin up and your back straight. Keep your eyes on the ball. Align yourself so that the ball rests in front of your left heel. AlignmentFind the right position upon initiating the swing. Keep your feet far enough apart to maintain balance, at about shoulder width. Lower your right shoulder a little below your left one, and angle your upper body forward at the hips, keeping your back straight. Keep your chin up and knees slightly bent. Maintain your shoulder position as you take your club back after the swing. Body ArchMaintain a solid posture for a good swing: keep your body arched from the head of your golf club through your shoulder at eye level and beyond.FlexibilityKeep your arms fully extended, thus creating more power in your swing. Increased distance from your chest to hand will create a faster swing. BalanceMaintain your balance to create a strong follow through. You should keep your body weight centered by balancing on your legs. With proper posture, you should be able to maintain your balance. The SwingFocus on rhythm Instead of swinging fast, swing strong by focusing on your downswing. Keep your club low to the ground on the back swing, focusing on the arms and not the hands. As your club starts back, your left should and hips should turn naturally to allow weight to transfer to your right side. As your continues its ascent, continue to turn your shoulders and allow your right elbow to bend at a ninety-degree angle at the top of your backswing. Aim to return your clubhead to the ball with maximum controllable speed. Push your whole club back and down. As your arm move down, you should feel your right arm straighten back and down with the weight of the club in your right hand. Finish strong with a solid follow through. The weight you initially transferred to the right side must now move to your left side. You should finish with your right knee facing the target, with your right foot up so all spikes are visible and your hands close to your left ear. A great swing takes skill, but anyone can achieve with a sufficient amount of practice.

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