Everyone loves basketball. How could you not, what with the fast pace, the team coordination, and of course, those slam dunks. NBA basketball is the only sport that has special contests that highlight individual players, instead of the organization as a whole. NBA players are encouraged to not only work as a team, but also express their individual style. Pretty cool no matter how you look at it.
While the dual nature of NBA basketball players is certainly something to be encouraged, it can be taken too far like in the Olympic game between the US team and the Greek team. Basketball is about fundamentals in passing, shooting and lay ups, and of course team coordination. The US team seemed to lose their focus on the team as a whole and really just focused on dunking. While that may be somewhat entertaining to watch, it was useless against Greece. The Greek team had a remarkable passing game, and just scored lay up and 3 point shot one after another, while showing the world their awesome grasp on the fundamentals of the game. We now know that the Greek Olympic basketball team knows the drills.
Basketball fans always love to support their favorite team and of course, their favorite players. That is why you constantly see fans wearing their favorite player's basketball jerseys. Fans don't just go for the jersey's though. They love finding basketball collectibles like these: http://www.sports-collectibles-store.com/NBA_Player_Snow_Globes-p-1-c-53.html of their favorite player.
Basketball is also one of the most popular "pick-up" games around. If you can find a court in a neighborhood, you are likely to see a game in progress. Players give each other great basketball tips and drills, so everyone involved learns and gets better and better. Such a sport of cooperation!